Hagia Sophia (1453) Byzantine built 532-537 AD
Demon Erdogan : the Moslem blood was bad blood, wanting blood to run. in the sacking
Concentration Camp pioneered in 1900
Every Moslem pace Alison a walking hate crime, contra our Jerusalem. Blake/Parry (1916)
The Swarming c. noon+ thereafter
Mangy animals jitter every Friday, end of Queen's Crescent.
Friday Evening i.m. Cafe Mozart where I performed The Mozart Wine Bar reading revue closed ; The Map Cafe, deserted.
October 27th
Old Etonian Theft by family stockbroker
Reginald Noble : Truman, ex Shanghai father had lived in Ealing. The City broke him.. all funds taken
Saturday Morning all headlines
Gaza City Burns and not before time. Eyeless, cf Milton/Huxley the fogged Philistine. or, bombed
Explicio Damnatio
An eye for eye, Leviticus 24: 19 a tooth for a tooth. No eye for women as art.
Gaza Beach no sunbathing
Dead in the water, they deserve to be ; not one aped Villa Pompey. former Roman Province
Villa Mosaic
The Romans had wall to fortify the Fresco, and aphro. couch wine. as in aphrodisiac
After Julia Gone after Robert Graves
Is Superbia a christian name the name of your girl wonder ? round to nibble grapes. or, festoon
Jihadi beyond Yeats
Wine, women and song the Moslem thinks are all wrong as banging a gong. cf Byzantium
October 28th
Nomenclature (II) cf Paris Hilton
What path to rapture rich, with a Jenny, rather than Divina pure ?
From Nehemiah 8 read at St Marys
Ezra, the scribe, had not Pound to bring Moses to The Square on The Water Gate. Book of The Law Of
After Carracci (Annibale) A Bacchante (1590s)
Her, yearned, in disguise not Judy a contract way, to figure a Satyr grandeur. erect
October 29th finis maintenant
Anniversary (2023) Yom Kippur War (October)
1973. Why kill, to beg destruction and civil ruin ?
October 30th
Refugee Heimat
The Empty Quarter blown rather empty, barren in Arabia. wine, hooker frei
For BAE (Typhoon) for Berlin (to agree order)
Bombers of Warsaw in 1939 and of Rotterdam, cannot defer for Yemen.
October 31st
Starmer Moslem Coup for The Times Nov. 7th
Westminster Abbey and Cathedral, Westminster : reduced, by Mecca.
No Gratitude
The Lancaster few Avro heavy bomber did not die for Fascism anew, type Jeddah.
Stop The Milking after D.H. Lawrence
Why are we bribing or, paying those who loathe our modus of living, to breed ?
No End In Sight after A.C. Jacobs
War has broken out another low time, trying for no conclusion.
October 31st Octobre est finis maintenant
Sad Outing after Thomas Hardy
The desolation quoth he in Bicester, the Haddenham desolate rail man complaint.
For All Souls
Smiling from Heaven bluey sunny sky by Joan, in dead November on Winchendon Ridge. walk thereto
November 1st
Battle Of Tours (732 AD) on October 10th
What made us noble ? ref Lascaux 4 Deep cave art in the Dordogne, 20,000 years+ old ignored by Islam. banned art therein
November 3rd
Prussia '50 Hampstead 1950
Branch Hill Lodge : over- c. 1901 grown Rowan, rough grass front lawn ; fleur gable Hostel. one left
Pauvre Sartre (en 1949)
Morts Sans Sepulture 1946 n'est pas Men Without Shadow 1949 et, ou est Lucie. viole'e
Albion Resistance
The language Latin de profundis clamavi grew authority, unlike Arabic manic. ad te domine
November 5th
Shadow Boxing
The enemy can die into shadow, unlit like a threat within.
Blank Sheet
Peasant remedy sardines not sweets the Wigan whim of Orwell redacted, Labour. no white bread
Anderson Bequest (The) circa 1919 post Hospital Cloud skies drift bigger over Antrim Grove, Manor or, demesne garden allotments. in Belsize Park
November 6th
The Grove, Lotus Eater
So vraiment beau, you are unable to thrive there, in the distraction.
Maghreb Saint
Berber Augustine, 354 AD - 430 AD a man of many passions, a Hippo Roman. of Hippo Regius
Nine Nein Kultur the Arab swept North Africa
Rang when, a Muslim Symphony, the cantata, artist and dancer ? bar Islam in Spain
Cabaret Joke Berlin from Five For Israel
Again, Germany try a Final Solution : but, every Muslim. rather than just Moslem
November 7th
The Enemy Within
Dead eye, fat of face and ban the creative, no get down to The Gym.
Black Rod Imperative
Now, stand in a row and sing our Jerusalem Blake/Parry (1916) or resign your seat.
General Election Poster after Luther+ Churchill
Vote Labour and vote Muslim, to get The Devil into Parliament.
November 8th finis
The Lateran Dedication feast day thereof
Dare a quiet Lauds on occasion, if you are able pro the eighteenth bell. or, Angelus
November 9th - on the day
Highgate Haiku
The Lauderdale House terrace urn statuary, sunlit in autumn. for Alison
November 15th
Beyond Channing
Under The Hill wall, Highgate four feet down, stone to garden of Andrew Marvell.
For Resurrection for Camden New Journal
Gone : The National Temperance Hospital, blown up by HS2.
November 16th
No Deer Park
Wang Wei, birdsong brook 701-762 AD in Tang China ; in Europe the look Saracen.
Below Athlone seen near Kenwood
In Fall November, the panorama City a shimmer in haze. from the Kitchen Garden
November 17th
Mass (Again) circa 8 am
Credo in unum start The Nicene Creed Deum...said in quick Latin vitam venturi for comportment proper
Saturday November 18th
The Retards
They deny music, cf Supernova Festival and chant inspired in God Gregorian celebratio Latin
Le Banquet Ce'leste Olivier Messiaen (1928)
Divinity is not a blaring white wall brain washing but consubstantial.
Le Mort Heureuse Albert Camus (1936-8)
French Algeria pre FLN et la douceur de la vie. House Above The World. finis dans dix ans
To Cap Bon Tunisia
Sunlight brilliant as in Camus though hard to bear, personae in absentia
Tower Gone as at Branch Hill
The Red, in the grounds Army and what, to survive ? No game, grain, or trap pony. eaten to survive
November 19th
Joke Haiku (Essex)
At Barking Abbey, were the dogs often barking ? and the nuns carping.
Hill Way (Holly Estate)
A sense of grandeur, and megalomania ; of never failing.
Haverstock Hill (Utopia) for Boris J cf Constable
Wall of skyscrapers the view coming down Eton Villas, to Chalk Farm.
November 21st
Gen Split pour mon lecteur cf TSE (1922)
You are in your time, and not the time of others with their fandango. tap, tapping castanets
Valence Place (Moated)
The Manor Houses viz Parsloes 1585-1925 of Dagenham, five of them, live in the one left.
November 22nd
Panis Militaris (Spelt) for The Great Road
Roman marching bread reputed as le plus fort pain, pour tout le monde.
Afternoon Mass (3 pm)
Care Home, Maitland Park consubstantialem St Silas wafer, wine.
Holland (Today)
Koran, alien to Europa, vote judgement warring religion.
Scene From Hell
The school opposite black widow, in Albion ; not customary.
November 23rd
The Aliens
Great War Fight for Right drove Parry to make music, in March 2016 which the robed abhor. for Jerusalem (Blake)
November 24th by 1917, Sir Hubert was cooler
Then The Kyrie in the 8 am Mass in Latin
Spiritus Sanctus the opening words I heard, Giotto Chapel. at St Dominics
The Banners cf Isis Iraq
The retards, retard since c. 700 AD restricting un beau regard et l'education
Anniversary Morning im Joan - for November 25th
A sense of divine or, shine love, gazing into heaven blue at Barrow Hill.
November 25th at 11.35 - am with her resurrection
For Jurgen Habermass after Paul Celan
Pogrom, Stalinist evil than The Holocaust, famine, caste, ethnic. after Lenin - more dead
Dry As A Bone
Gee, are they drinking sherry yet (ice) in Burgh House ? leafing November.
November 25th
From Ural To Elbe 1917-2027
The haut bourgeoisie and Manor House decorum fell to The Red Sword.
Soviet Bloc
Grosz vulgarism bothered, to rule, in, out of school jawing The Volga.
November 26th
Brief Excursion im Joan post November 25th
Hesse, The Rhineland and Hersfeld Abbey (Roman) a going of Joan.
November 27th
Tuesday 7 am
A massive, full moon hung above The Project heights dark brown on Malden Road.
The Winter Room for Pasternak
The circuit concave of the sun so low, a bright reading room higher.
Continued War cf my Engraving Autumn Acumen, Anthologised The letters never did come, after The Battle of Valley Arun.
Saying Grace after George Herbert
Aspirational ? Aspire, to what ? A pent, conditional grace.
November 28th
At Barking Creek after TS Eliot
Lacking a paddle caught suborned, to a yapping in the detritus.
Credo Chorale cf The Nicene Creed
De, the primal slime, to our Vatican, a jug or gourd, or jar of veritas wine. cf in vino veritas
Ex Liturgy (Mass) The Eucharist
Es, fructum vitis : vine accepimus vinum, po- tus spiritalis. (for JH)
November 30th finis maintenant