Daredevil Gateaux for Cecil (in Forster)
You want to unwrap a beautiful girl for tea, eclair in her whirl. verb
Wall Inane
Roses looking west are likely the gardened best, quoth Humpty Dumpty.
Sun-lounger Queen
Lucy, intent, poised lay far in her mobile savouring sunshine.
Dental Glam for JK
Whiter, tighter, spare her fix jacket ; gym-ready, or, drill Jenny the prima.
The Sinking (1912)
The Iceberg fatal that awful night, was Prussia leading Germany. or, working
June 22nd
Response Haiku June 23rd
From The Titanic, to the Titan dead : they have joined the Titanic dead.
Only a girl knows what a girl wants. Ukraine, torn built a killer Drone.
Birthday Gram
Jacinda, darling you may want the blue, mea culpa vibrator.
By Havana
Fifteen parakeets out, you chill in a cocktail awaiting the tanks.
June 24th
Coup In Moscow
From the Brandenburg Concerto, to a Wagner Gotterdammerung !
June 25th
Bay Of Pigs (1961)
Germany lost Ost Preussen : a dilatory U.S.A., Cuba !
Drovers' Road
From summer pagan to a lean-priested winter, a driver in June.
June 26th
Return (Major) for my father
His leather shipping trunk daubed : VOYAGE SINGAPORE, (wanted on R.R. Truman.
Druid Silage
My Lauds felt pagan this dawning after, that is Ave Maria ...
Ukraine (Counter Rev.)
June 1920 : Wrangel's attack driven back by (The) Red Army.
Derek Walcott
The surf in Homer went breaking in St Lucia, thanks to Albion.
June 27th
The Holocausts for G. Steiner
Well : one had better planning than the other. Trains, the IBM Card.
Pre Stalin, Pre NEP
Lenin's Holocaust, to cinder the bourgeoisie killed most of Russia.
June 28th
Legal Modus
Justice for the rich largely, their Operandi following brandy.
June 29th
Mob Indulging
A people, pampered cannot demand extra staff or, foreign if lazing, plumper. or, fatter
Tinting Tincture
In maxima bloom my tree of roses, petals pink rich heartening.
Dystopia for HG (of 2003)
Ants, dying, run spore in our matrix of Stonehenge- on-Sea (acrylic).
Or, How It Began
Your Composition With Cabins, Helen ; Alpha and Omega, seen.
June 30th
Coda written July 16th for June 30th
After Riots Film Antonioni 1970
At Zabriskie Point they found a million years, and apartments blew.
'The System'
Is anarchy art ? vers libre wanting constraint. Not dying, a part.
After Horace and The Waves
Down from the Terrace, my Virginia Woolf corner is sunny by eight.
Jerusalem Kentish cf Blake Text
The sun, directly over Talacre Green kept William Blake raptured.
June 30th log
Redacted text from May Mayflower. Are Edits due?
Revolutionary Text a Swiftian parody
For The Oren Condo Complex Hampstead and manifest, The Grizly Guzlies at first sight
On a Monday morning, the Religion Guard may call. They may parade in the drive and a loudspeaker van will shout : Raus, raus !
All out. The Commanding Officer will say : those who went to a named Church last Sunday and can quote lines from T.S. Eliot,
go and stand on the right. Those who cannot must stand in line on the left. You will know you have seven days to read Eliot
and find a Church for every Sunday, at which you will give proof of attendance and recite, to us, T.S. Eliot.
Those who fail to honour luxury retirement living, in bleak grandeur, or, sun later life a graft gift, can expect execution, or, fathom
The Oren at risk of demolition losing a view of the Elysian.
written 5.30 to 6 pm on Sunday May 14th in one free- hand draft after returning to Studio from a site visit. The last line is a post first draft direct to the page (with no equivocations) addition to the Text and one reference to a trade mark used by the flats Developer. On Monday afternoon, I read out the Text for Alison, a former member of The Alpha Bible Study network. Why 'fathom' as a variant ? The Penthouses are high..