Lord Mania in the 1940s
Who electrified, young, Boston ? Robert Lowell ; Cape Cod, Nantucket. cf ex Lycidas Epic
Henry Kissinger (1927-1953) im November 30th
A Bavarian Great ; understood Germany ; The Iron Lady. after Prussia
Les Chemins De La Liberte Sartre (1945-1949) cf Chemin De Fer 'Iron In The Soul' 1950 La Mort Dans L'Ame traduire a jesting, Prussian. en Londres
November 30th pas 'The Roads To Freedom' trilogy
On What Grounds for Sir JB (to pay death duties)
They did not mori (pro patria mori (Horace/Owen) for Devonshire House, acre three of them Piccadilly gone. demolished 1924
Cranfield Lunacy in Bedfordshire
The corporate dude teaching a business idiot, a fool improvement.
December 1st
Ne Touchez Pas certainement - pour sunny JG
Did you dare with her ? after the meeting rapture, then a bonding surge.
Festive Haiku
Scandi-French Cafe has but opened in The Hall, and I sing Abba. also Father
Insatiable, Swedish
Men, they redundant in lust of the power sure of a vibrator.
Mesh Albion
A Saxon-Norman from wood to stone Italianate Roman construct ; ex The Celt.
December 2nd
First Thing
I heard the screeching of hungry seagulls, high up in my studio.
December 3rd
Leaving Frankfurt after Hemingway
On the quick train west, to France the mobile conversation ripped in City English. by Germans
Area Ruin for Zabludowicz Collection (ferme')
Apartment empty beds no one, for restaurant or art Gallery.
Pavement Blockers
Our garbage has been breeding, grunge of the fatty benefit maggots. cf Camus
Greek Tragedy
Theft of my Reggie Noble Truman (RNT) inheritance guarantees if unsettled a 'G' Auction, heirs. ref W2 EQ (coding)
December 8th
Albion Corrected for King and Laureate
A Province Of Rome, cf St Dominic's Priory not Thuringia ; Saxon, saved by The Norman. de Caen
In Praise Of Cecil cf my Grandparents (Joan)
Obama, pray you bend your knee to Rhodesia for Wace, and Molly. born in Salisbury
The Laureates for Armitage
You, Si, Laureate of Marsden, and I, one for in Yorkshire The Fleet, Marsden Street. bisecting river
Fons Origem, Hamburg
Listening to Mass vis the Credo in Latin, you faith to hear a Primer English.
December 9th
On December 10th at Parish Eucharist
The Pope was quoted, by Rev'd Phil Ritchie in sermon for St Mary's below Primrose Hill.
Ex. Profession Of Faith for an Apostate King ref The Nicene Creed I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church said the congregation
December 10th at the Parish Eucharist at St Mary's
Scandi Vibe for Jenny
Coffee in Sweden ... J would be tautological ? C or, a good idea.
Martyr 304 AD Lucia born 283 AD
St. Lucie : tortured in Syracuse, Sicily for a pagan Rome. from her Mass Day
Intermezzo or, Tune Abba
We really must go flying into winter snow and you, slow, then fast.. J apres ski
December 13th
I am an ocean in die nackt Wald, breath misting on the winter air.
Cold In 1630
Boston Latin School year of foundation 1635. Out from Boston, Lincolnshire.
Lines For Si cf his Kid (1992)
Was Rufus rueful locked in a coal bunker ? Woof ! woof ! but forgotten.
Dusk Albion for dragged Daisie i.m.
Warped land of tortured dogs and cat cripplers, zombie man disfigurement.
December 14th
They Are Crowding for J.G. Ballard
A non-stop horror story, trying to live here threatened by demons.
Athlone Planning my info for LBC Dev. Control
The Tower fabled as in Landscape With Cephalus was beheld in Claude Lorrain. painting date 1645 (National Gallery). founded in 1823
For Noam Chomsky
He : Apres moi, le Charles de Gaulle 1960s Deluge. Si non le contrat CT social, anarchy.
December 15th
Revising Dare
Trying to sound like Dryden, rather than Dolly Alderton, I honed.
December 16th
Animal Farm Stiff Orwell (pbl. August 17th 1945)
Hedgy, Eliot the book prophetic toadied for monster Stalin and could not publish. at Fabers in 1944
City Swizz after Swift
The bad Morrisons, Thames Water debt debacle damns Private Equity. 6 s
Election Result after Orwell
Trash nation voted to be kept pampered, munching on a free sofa.
Ruin Vista Alison comment
The total wild atop Branch Hill, by Hampstead drew white cloud charging.
Waltz Of The Clouds ex The Nutcracker (1892)
Thank you, Tchaikovsky, and, faux, are they arm in arm galivanting haut.
Widescreen TV
What is the wattage ? Do they keep on saying what ? on in the outage. or, the morning
December 17th
Repeat Leitmotif ex in The BAOR
Joan, with Dick, did love to coax their Standard Vanguard see ZX 43 10 to Baden-Baden. a shooting brake
English Return after Henry James
Lovely, the roses of ample Baden-Baden. They, beyond compare. in the mid 1950s
December 18th
City Etonian the family stockbroker stole from Reggie's rich father ; he, an undoing. became a suicide
December 19th
Why Less Aid ? for Washington, and The Pentagon
The Republicans adjoining in wealth, begrudge Ukraine, their front line.
They scowl denying feminine beauty, hating a bare, cream shoulder.
Every Communist is a gangster at heart, as in dead China.
December 21st
Art Interrupted
I typed, compiling Clouds Of Monoravia : then Ukraine, Russia.
Not Flow Chart John Ashberry (1991)
Is Autumn Journal by Louis MacNeice, le plus 1938 pbl. 1939 comparateur here ?
Kenyon Afternoon
The grey Funeral Parlour ultra drab ; too few, of fewer, lay dead.
December 22nd
School Congregation for Mayor Khan
Every Mecca-ist viz Muslim has to hear Jerusalem Blake/ Parry 1916 at Morning Prayer. or, sing
Lowering The Flag sub-Saharan Africa 1960s
Ralph de Stock wrote me : Grand Father They need a hundred more years before our leaving. my Grandmother Rhodesian
Harold Wilson bete noire de Ralph
KGB Agent. PM 1964-1970 1974-1976 He could be executed : in a mooted coup treason, bad mouthing.
The Gnomes Of Zurich said, allegedly, got him. by Wilson No : duplicity ! + friend of Baron Kagan
Party Aphorisms ex The Albion Resistance
Do not bite the hand that feeds you. Respect belief in your host country.
December 25th composed on Christ-Mass Day
Modena 1699 after Browning. Andrea Stefano
Fiore', lacking Church Composer 1686-1732 in the Synagogue, or Mosque drove some to fury ! no Sinfonie Da Chiesa
La Intimite' cf Intimacy (Patrice Chereau 2001)
Pour une demi-heure, seulement une fois, chaque mois entre cinq et sept ! comme en Paris
Cracker Joke
Does Dino, hungry glowering by the front door want to eat Fido ?
Bottoms Up for Hebdo i.m.
What of The Saudi Embassy Christmas Party ? Many twirly hats ? not girly
Decembre 26th pour Generation Z
Hunger Games 2
The quick Tribute Train ran ready to deliver, to The Capitol.
December 27th
The Conspiracy for Justin Welby
Of Apostasy : rewarded by your Knighthood for a sham, the cram.
Trinitatis after Herbert
We stand in the shade here, of rung Gospel Oak, near to the Sun of GOD. viz son
December 30th
Footnote : Bean Feast on Boxing Day if
Did the Mecca-ist floor, to play with Meccano racing vehicles or tumbling Lego ? not legover
December 30th
Coda Ex Notebook :
On The Front Line
From Kyiv, I read of red rat-bite fever, caught by the numb Russian. or, numbed
undated. From 50 years ago + at Brookside House :
The Old Guard Absurdist after R Lowell (Hunger Marches 1922+)
Empyrean hadn't lost British Red when angered hungry men trudged at London ; when deadened menial mightn't find bread to deadened breath, whitening winter cold.
No doubt the castled end of a long drive, gravelled, swept, shade during summer, had rent though never heard tramping the countryside men who made kitchen-garden tramps desired.
More hungry than any routed soldier betrayed trod past frozen blind fields. Order was threatened. One jittery squire had a vision ; wide reddened eyes beheld
athletic men bounding over fields, down dense woods, pounding after after game. They would grip and wring rabbits dead. He hired, drilled young men and proven guns
who then cordoned his land - commandeered to prevent men pounding after game.
February 6th-7th 1974 penned by 'Richard Rokeby'
Edit tool : any long lines cut to ten syllables only. Only a few word changes or one order inversion. line 6 end dreamt changed to 'rent' Feb 6th 2024