Neanderthals for Asp+ the CBs
The Gin and Jag set father's term feast on the blood of the dead. The vampire bet.
Winging It
The seagulls are up, off The Regent's Park Boating Lake. Floating, in sky ! liked by MimiK
September 1939
General Ironside, bend the knee Chief of The Imperial General Staff. Friend, Ralph. Wace, en famille
Belsize Bel Assis Old French
Italianate Stucco villas. Park Gardens, cf. Avenue House Daniel Tidy. developer
November 9th/10th 2022 ed.
Albion Dicho
Too alarmed to think, in the land of wokeism scared of wakeism.
At The War Office Sept. 1939+
What did Ironside, and Ralph, talk about ? Hitler, and Stalinism.
After Lauds c. 8 am
A cacophony of seagulls, over Malden Road. Wanting more chips !
Chalk Farm Grill
Camden New Journal pbl. my first Lockdown text. Now, much less is thrown.
November 10th
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (1931-2022)
A chocaholic, he wanted better ethics in Banking. Three wives !
Does an elephant look good as cocoa ? rather than in the room. Go !
Jenny Le Dentaire pres de Gospel Oak
Million dollar babe, in her sleeker, blue, tight jeans : walk, ravishing.
Samedi Sombre
I used to worry- sorrow her, elle apres l'acte, prob. molaires over.
November 10th/11th
Coastal Command for Eric Ravilious
Isolde fixation at little recognition. Empire Flying Boat.
Punisher for Phoebe Bridgers
To be young again oh ! in California... the singer haunting.
Basin War Donbas
Trench warfare, Ukraine was a least likely event. We : never again
A thundery sky to lightning zagging, orange across a back lot.
November 11th/12th
Ora Malo
A crow hostia stuck in the craw, circling screech. Ave Maria
Cheers Galore Nov. 12th 2022
Freedom Square, Kherson is flying the flag today. Ukraine, hip hooray !
Morocco Late
Winter sun, mournful as the idea of away- dom, Agadir !
Angst Solo
A Berber, black-wrapped in The Atlas Mountain Range glared. My hire car.
November 12th
Lucy, The Tree
Salacious, freely mouthing on Talacre Green, touche ! for nothing between. mine, a storm ruin
Cleavage Haiku
Baroness Mone moans au lit, in her orgasme ou, couchant for the rich husband.
Malaya 1954
Name of The Party political for behaviour proper, Empire power.
On Vietnam (RRT)
Too little, too late. Indo-China, abandoned as a domino. cf. domino theory (1954)
Source: President Eisenhower, who failed to commit the U.S Pacific Fleet to supporting the worn French. The British Commonwealth was still busy in Malaya.
November 17th 2002 =====================================
Jenny Prolix not Saltlicks
I strain a maxi electric toothbrush, tune my vibrator rapide
In the 1960s
We won the War, and lost the peace my torn father would say, lamenting. at Dinner
Agon Fest heard Paris Easter 1973
Wet January music : that Leonard Cohen Dress Rehearsal Rag released 1971
Chi Blighted or, Chichester
A Roman miracle, sectored to suburbia for garbage, people.
January 13th/14th
John Rety 1945 Ed. Hearing Eye pbl. 3 CT Texts
At Chess, Budapest. The Russian shot the German, took over the game. or, his play
Bonding In War of WW II
My mother did say : every time you said farewell, or, goodbye it was the last time. (for)
January 15th
January 20th 2023
Emptied, emptying the city back on alert for fusion attack.
Everyone drawn and a little haggard, grey with worry at dawn.
City Silence
Never before, so weird ; the word is pagan. A silenzio.
January 20th
Coro Corale
Descanting, synco- pated is unheard ; sprung song off the register.
Roman Roads, Of
Ghosts were known to walk down Stane Street, Essex ; Ermine Street. Miles, few milia.
Provincia Britannia
Bed, slave-packed agger, some two motorway lanes wide. Cambered, for water. cf. The Road (C. Hadley)
January 21st
Sunday Morning NW3
Heavy the silence on Lambolle Road, but where, God The Lamb in pasture ?
Campaign (Ukraine)
The road to freedom is vaunt with death, misty breath in the gaunting cold.
January 22nd
Counter 2
Phew ! Germany builds the better tank. What is new ? Challenger Leopard.
I quaked in Elgar, listening to Symphony Number One ; not Brahms.
January 26th on Radio 3
No Surrender
Cannot surrender the motto, fearing rapine, pillage, art murder.
Punishment for Tolstoy
Plundered, elegant Villa civilisation Urals to the Elbe.
January 26th
What If, Orwell
A Stalin-bled Spain a no-no : despite Franco ; Aden, Gibraltar.
January 30th finis =========================
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